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    Novus Biologicals全国总代

    发布时间: 2019-06-26  点击次数: 2299次

    Novus Biologicals全国总代

    美国Novus Biologicals公司是一家抗体专业公司,生产用于研究的单克隆和多克隆抗体,包含5万多种一抗和近1000种二抗,产品涉及神经生物学,细胞凋亡,肿瘤,DNA修复,干细胞标记,信号转导等多个研究方向。多年的抗体生产服务经验,使novus得以生物科学发展趋势,并可随时为生物科研工作者提供和广泛的产品。Novus的愿景是通过开发和销售在前沿科学的*产品来推动科学发现。Novus组织了商业化机制,致力于为生物研究界提供*的生物材料。Novus还持续关注科学趋势,并为新的研究提供必要的材料。Novus的产品广泛使用于机构和商业研究,并在推动生物学研究中起着重要的。


    Novus Biologicals is a biotech company based in Littleton, Colorado, USA with offices in San Diego, California, Oakville, ON, Canada and the Cambridge Science Park in Cambridge, UK.[1] The company develops, licenses and markets research materials to scientists in academic, corporate and government laboratories. Novus, like many others companies such as Abcam, Covance, Proteintech Group, EnCor Biotechnology and Millipore Corporation, arose to answer a call for research grade antibodies for the scientific market.Founded by Karen Padgett in 1996, Novus Biologicals has sought to partner with leading scientific researchers and third-party providers to develop an extensive range of more than 180,000 products.[2] The main products are antibodies, proteins, peptides, RNAi, cell lysates, isotype controls, slides, and kits. Padgett is company president and CEO, and has been active both in the academic and local Colorado communities.

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